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Matthew Ruth

Matthew Ruth’s practice focuses on global patent prosecution and intellectual property portfolio management. He is also experienced with issues involving U.S. regulatory governance and antitrust.

Matthew assists clients in a range of technical fields including artificial intelligence, clean energy, electrical engineering, and electromechanical devices.

Matthew received his J.D. from the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, where he worked with the Center for Law, Science, and Innovation on matters relating to the governance of emerging environmental technologies and artificial intelligence. Matthew also served as Senior Executive Editor of Jurimetrics, The Journal of Law, Science and Technology. During law school, Matthew worked with small business clients handling employment and IP contracting through the Innovation Advancement Clinic. He also worked as an advocate for small businesses in Washington D.C. on matters relating to antitrust, data privacy, and patents in the year prior to graduation. Upon graduation, Matthew received the Strouse Prize recognizing his contributions to the Law, Science, and Technology program at Arizona State.

Before attending law school, Matthew worked as an independent consultant specializing in geographic data analysis and interned as a telecommunications engineer.

Matthew joined the firm in 2022.

Arizona State University – Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, J.D.
McGill University, B.A., Psychology, Minor in Computer Science
State Bar of California
Communications Technology

Cellular Networking & Communications

Fiber Optic Networks

Internet Telephony

Low-Power Networks




Wireless Local Area Networks

Consumer Products & Services

Aesthetics & Personal Care Products

Sporting Goods & Recreation

Electrical, Semiconductor & Computer Technology

Electronics & Semiconductors

Healthcare Information Technology

Software & IT


Clean Technology

Energy Conservation

Energy Efficient Technologies

Green Building & Construction


Fashion & Beauty







Financial Services & Business Methods

Blockchain & Smart Contracts

Cloud Computing

Cryptocurrency & Encryption

Data Privacy

Dispute Resolution

Licensing & Indemnification

Open Source

Media, Advertising & Entertainment




Film & Television

Literary Works

Mobile Applications


Online Games

Social Media


Video Games and Interactive Entertainment


Medical Devices & Procedures

AI & Machine Learning





Vital Signs, Physiologic, & Hemodynamic Monitoring

Transportation & Vehicles

Aerospace & Space Technology

Diagnostic Equipment

Electronics (Audio / Video, Communication, Navigation, Security)

Fleet Management


Tools & Equipment

Antitrust & Competition Litigation
Assignments and Licenses
Copyright Litigation
Copyright Litigation
Design Patents
Due Diligence
False Advertising Litigation
Global Portfolio Management
Infringement Risk 
Inter Partes Review (IPR)
IP Strategy
IP Transactions and Agreements
Opinions and Counseling
Opinions Counseling
Patent Litigation
Patent Strategy & Prosecution
Patent Trial & Appeal Board (PTAB) Litigation
PTAB Overview
Tech Transactions
Trade Secret
Trade Secret & Employee Mobility Litigation
U.S. Patent Prosecution
Unfair Competition Litigation

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